Terms of Use

Effective: February 5, 2025

By accessing the web site and any other related services, you agree to be bound to the terms and conditions set below ("Terms of Use") and all applicable laws. If you do not agree with any of the Terms of Use or any other enforced polciies, please do not use the web site. Failure to comply with any of our Terms of Use may result in your access to the web site being revoked. These terms and conditions and any other policies enforced on our web site may be modified at any time. It is the user's duty to review these periodically for any amendments.

Your Agreement

Your continued use of our web site constitutes your agreement to be bound by each of the Terms of Use constitutes a legally binding contract that governs the relationship between DimCast and users who interact with the DimCast web site and any related services or affiliates, in association with the usage of the DimCast web site. In addition, you also agree to comply with any policies or guidelines enforced by DimCast throughout the web site which bind to these Terms of Use. Your Agreement to us also includes other policies or guidelines incorporated herein by reference, and throughout the web site.

Privacy Policy

Any personal information you submit to us whilst using our services protected as detailed in our Privacy Policy. Please refer to our Privacy Policy to understand what data we collect, how it is used, and who we disclose it to. Your continued use of the DimCast web site constitutes your agreement to this policy.

Intellectual Property

All text, graphics, user accounts, multimedia content, and any other material that appears on the DimCast web site (hereby refered to as "materials", "the materials") is owned or permitted for DimCast's use. You may download or print a copy of the materials for personal/non-commercial usage. These materials may not be redistributed, copied, resold, or used in a commercial context or in a way not permitted by the Terms of Use without the written consent of DimCast.

User Submitions

By submitting any videos or text messages to our site, you grant us the irrivocable right to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and/or publicly display said content whether partly or in whole.


All users herein to hold no blame or liability against DimCast and any of our affiliates, partners, employees, or subsidaries for any loss, damages, claim or demands pertaining from the transmission of content to or usage of our web site. DimCast is not responsible for ensuring the integrity or accuracy of any of any content featured on the website.

Abuse of the Services

Users may not fuzz, scrape, or make a large number of web requests to the web site and any other related services and subsidaries.

User Conduct

Please review our Community Guidelines. Any on-site activities you perform must be in compliance with these guidelines.